Concerning the handling of personal information

Tokyo Calendar, Inc.

Kenyu Ohkubo, Manager, Administration Department

Thank you for contacting Tokyo Calendar.
The personal information provided here will only be used for the purposes of responding to your inquiry.
Please read the terms outlined below and place a check in the agree box before completing your application.
1. Personal information
  The Company will obtain from members their names and contact details for the uses described above.

2. Purpose of information obtained
  The Company will use the personal information obtained to the extent necessary to provide notices regarding current services, and new products and services.
  The Company will not use any personal information gathered without permission for any purpose except the purposes detailed above.

3. Providing personal information
  The Company will never provide personal information without the permission of the individual concerned to any third party except when required by law.

4. Entrustment of personal information
  The Company will not entrust the handling of any information obtained here to another company.
5. Safe management of personal information
  The Company makes use of appropriate safe management policies to prevent leaks of personal information.

6. Result of not providing personal information
   Provision of personal information is voluntary, however, please note that some information is required for the Company to be able to provide adequate services.

7. Disclosure request contact
   For personal information disclosure requests, please contact the Company using the details below. Please note that requests for disclosure made using other methods may not receive a response.

Inquiries desk
Inquiries desk Name Inquiries desk
Contact Art Village Osaki Central Tower F14
1-2-2, Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032
Representative Director: Yusuke Sugano
Tell:03-5740-5839 Fax:03-3492-7880